Microsoft To-Do Franz Recipe

Keeping things organized is key to master tasks at work and at home. In digital life you can choose between a plethora of apps and services that want to support you at staying organized. I’ve iterated through a few of these as well—especially after the shutdown of Google Inbox and my Trello “ToDo” board becoming not manageable anymore. Soon I have found myself very comfortable with Microsoft To-Do 1, a lightweight task management solution that focuses on getting stuff done today. You basically fill an one day micro-iteration from one ore more of your backlogs (=lists).

As I prefer keeping my communication and task management hub separate from the webbrowser I use Ferdi for these kind of webservices. Microsoft To-Do, however, was missing in the list of supported services. Fortunately Franz has a neat mechanism to add further services, called recipes. So I’ve spent the hour to create a recipe for Microsoft To-Do. Besides adding the service to Franz, it displays the count of today’s open tasks as badge in the sidebar and contains subtle CSS optimizations to make it look more integrated.


  1. Download the recipe
  2. Extract the contents to a new subfolder called e.g. microsoft-todo in the dev directory (may ot yet exist) of your Franz configuration files:
    • Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Franz/recipes/dev/
    • Windows: %appdata%/Franz/recipes/dev/
    • Linux: ~/.config/Franz/recipes/dev/
  3. Restart Franz
  1. Microsoft To-Do is the successor of Wunderlist after its Microsoft acquisition